Student Success

Student Success Teachers

Ms. R. Di Giovanni
Ms. J. Dyment
Mrs. A. Danielewicz (ELL Support)
Ms. N. Manchisi



Support for English Language Learners

Since we are blessed with a very diverse school with a number of English Language Learners, our office also provides a variety of services to assist these students in their classes and in their language acquisition. Many of the services provided are the same services provided to the rest of the student population, but they are customized to meet the specific needs of students who are working towards proficiency in the English language. Some of the services we provide are listed below:

Homework help – Students are welcome to come in on their lunches and work on their homework or class assignments.

Extra-time on tests – An English Language Learner is entitled to up to double the time on their tests. The student and teacher will make an arrangement with Student Success so that they can complete their test in our office. Often times we clarify meaning of difficult vocabulary.

One-on-One Support – Sometimes an English language learner in a mainstream classroom will need further explanation and assistance with more difficult concepts taught in class. We will sit with them and clarify.

Tutoring – We will help with English tutoring and help in developing reading and writing skills.

Computers and Printing – There are five computers in Student Success where students can type out final copies, complete typed assignments or conduct research.

Employment Skills - We offer assistance with resume writing. We also assist students with concerns regarding school life and opportunities available.

Literacy Test Remediation – English Language Learners can come in on their lunches and can practice reading comprehension strategies as well as their organization in writing.

Dialogue with Teachers – English Language Learners will also be supported by their classroom teachers and will receive necessary accommodations. The Student Success team will speak with teachers to ensure they are progressing well.

For further information, please contact us at (905) 388-3030 ext. 3553.



The Student Success program is part of the Ministry of Education’s Learning to 18 Initiative which aims to increase the graduation rate in Ontario and to support students who may be struggling in their academics for a variety of different reasons. In keeping with the Ministry and board focus on grade 8-9 transition, we have a particular focus on grade 9 students although we monitor and work with students at all grade levels.

Our office, which is structured more like a student centre, is conveniently located in room 140 outside the cafeteria and student forum. We have an open door policy and a very welcoming environment with computers, classroom materials, resources, etc. Students can come in at any time (either on their lunches, by appointment, or with teacher permission) to receive assistance with:

• assignment completion,
• homework,
• goal setting,
• organization,
• study skills.
• literacy test preparation, etc.

We also provide a temporary alternate location where students can work comfortably and quietly if they need to and we help to coordinate specialized programs such as credit recovery and the RISE alternative education program.

Our team acts as advocates for our students and we work in collaboration with classroom teachers, resource teachers, guidance counsellors, administration, parents and community contacts to ensure that all of the student’s needs are being met and that they have opportunities to obtain all their credits and feel successful in their secondary school years and beyond.

For further information, please contact us at (905) 388-3030 ext. 3553.